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Tag Archives: Scientist

This tag of What Children Do! contains posts, articles, activties, and information for children.

The First Thanksgiving & The Mayflower Ship: What Children Do!®

The Mayflower Ship Log on What Children Do!®

Voyage on the Mayflower
The Mayflower has a famous place in American history as a symbol of early European colonization of the future United States.[6](

Portugal and Spain founded Navigation Schools. These schools produced expertly trained mathematical and

The Mayflower Ship on What Children Do!®

nautical technicians. A science improvement, and hence what Spain called the New World, which is now The United States of America. (

Indians & Pilgrims from a Mayflower Meeting on What Children Do!®

We are “Human Isotopes”: What is an Isotope?: What Children Do!®

Us “Human Isotopes”, chemically the same, but physically different!: What Children Do!®

Us “Human Isotopes” chemically the same, but physically different.


What is an Isotope?

  1. An Isotope is a form of element with same atomic number: each of two or more forms of a chemical element with the same atomic number but different numbers of neutrons. Isotopes of a given element share the same number of protons.  The number of protons  uniquely defines the element.
  2. The nuclei of most atoms contain neutrons as well as protons. (An exception is the common form of hydrogen, whose nucleus consists of a lone proton). Every chemical element has more than one isotope. For any element, one of the isotopes is more abundant in

    What Children Do!®

    nature than any of the others, although often multiple isotopes of a single element are mixed (


What Children Do!®: Who Is Galileo?

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Astronomer/Mathematician  is one of the greastest scientists of all time. He proved the planets revolve around the sun, not the earth as people thought at the time.

Nicholas Copernicus

Nicholas Copernicus

This theory of the planets revolving around the sun came from Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543), Mathematician, Astronomer. Nicholas Copernicus was the first to believe and have a theory that our solar system revolves around the sun.

Activity: Look at the universe on your own table.  The center is the Sun, make it the largest. Then you have Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars- the terrestrial planets made up of mostly rock and metal. The two largest are next, Jupiter and Saturn. They are made up of gases, hydrogen and helium. Saturn has rings as well. The last two planets are Uranus and Neptune, the “ice gaints” made up of water, ammonia, and methane.

The Solar System

Galileo proved what Nicholas Copernicus believed and wrote what we call a theory, that the sun is the center of our solar system.